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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Toys. Mostra tutti i post

lunedì 7 gennaio 2013

Samsung Galaxy S III 4G Android Phone, White 16GB

Samsung Galaxy S III 4G Android Phone, White 16GB (Sprint)

Optimized for peak performance, the Android-powered Samsung Galaxy S III from Sprint offers one of the most sophisticated interactive mobile experiences to date. You'll be able to send photos, videos, and information easier and faster than ever while staying in close connection to friends and family members from wherever you are. 

Delivering impressive processing power to allow more applications to be accessible simultaneously, the Galaxy S III also features a brilliant 4.8-inch display that extends to an ultra-thin bezel to maximize the viewing area. The expansive display is also protected by Gorilla Glass 2.0 to guard against cracks and scratches and provide enhanced touchscreen responsiveness.
The Galaxy S III runs the Android 4.0 operating system (a.k.a., Ice Cream Sandwich), bringing a redesigned user interface with enhanced multitasking, notifications, full Web browsing experience, and more. You'll also enjoy innovative, next-gen features such as Face Unlock, which uses facial recognition to unlock the Galaxy S III, and Near Field Communications (NFC) capabilities.
Going beyond simple point-and-shoot photography, the 8-megapixel rear camera offers a Burst Shot mode that captures still pictures at a rapid-fire pace at three images per second with zero shutter lag, and its Best Shot feature recommends the best picture to keep based on colors, lighting, and clarity. It also records Full HD 1080p video with a backside illuminated sensor that improves performance in low light environments--and you can even capture a photo while shooting video.
Other features include Wireless-N Wi-Fi connectivity with mobile hotspot capabilities (enabling you to connect up to 10 devices to your Sprint 3G/4G mobile broadband), Bluetooth 4.0 with stereo audio streaming, 16 GB internal storage, memory expansion via optional microSD cards, and up to 9.2 hours of talk time.
Note: The Galaxy S III is able to access the Sprint 4G LTE network, available in limited markets. This phone is also compatible with Sprint's nationwide 3G network.

Pay with Google Wallet

With Google Wallet, you can transform the Galaxy S III smartphone into a smart wallet using Near Field Communication (NFC) to make safe purchases at more than 100,000 participating retailers--including Bloomingdales, Toys "R" Us, CVS, Gap and Macy's.

Simple, Instant Sharing

The Galaxy S III has enhanced features that both you and your contacts will enjoy. It's designed to make sharing easy and more direct so your friends and family can experience every moment with you, regardless of your location.
Connect Through Touch: With S Beam, just place two Galaxy S III phones back-to-back and you can transfer photos, videos, documents, and more. In just three minutes you can successfully share a 1 GB video file--it's fast, easy, and you don't even need a Wi-Fi or cellular signal.
Send Pictures in a Flash: Thanks to Buddy Photo Share, the Galaxy S III recognizes the faces of your friends, so it can share photos with them right away. And with Share Shot, you can send photos to all your party guests so everyone leaves with snapshots of the event.
Access Content on Multiple Devices: Through AllShare Play, you can share files with other devices and access those files on various devices, such as documents or multimedia files between your Galaxy S III phone and a tablet, PC, or television. With AllShare Group Cast on the Galaxy S III and a Wi-Fi network, you can share and collaborate on documents, presentations or images in real-time with multiple friends or co-workers without loading the file separately.

Intelligent and Intuitive Interaction

Smart enough to detect your face, voice and motions, the Galaxy S III provides a more convenient and natural way for you to interact so it fits seamlessly into your daily routine.
Let Your Eyes Control the Display: Thanks to the Smart Stay feature, the screen display will remain bright as long as you're looking at the phone. Set it down, and it dims instantly. Because the front-facing camera can identify your eyes--while reading an e-book or browsing the web, for instance--it recognizes how you are using your phone and provides a bright display accordingly.
Tell Your Phone What to Do: The S Voice feature enables the Galaxy S III to actually listen and respond to your words: tell it to wake up, snooze, take a photo, answer a call, send a text message, or play a favorite song.
Don't Miss a Message: If you've been away from your phone, the Smart Alert feature will give you a vibrating nudge to let you know about missed calls and messages.

Vital Statistics

The Samsung Galaxy S III weighs 4.7 ounces and measures 5.4 x 2.8 x 0.3 inches. Its 2100 mAh lithium-ion battery is rated at up to 9.2 hours of talk time. It runs on Sprint's 3G (800/1900 CDMA/EV-DO Rev. A frequencies). Sprint's 4G LTE network is available in limited markets.

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C E Insalata di patate Spuntino abitudini alimentari acidi grassi acidi organici alimentazione alimentazione sana allattamento allattamento all seno allattamento artifi­ciale allattano il proprio bambino allat­tare ananas aneto anticellulite anticorpi anticorpi materni antipasti antipasto arance areola mammaria asparagi aspetto vitale bambino batteri bebè benessere biberon bikini bimbo biscotti broccoli bromocriptina bruciore caffè capez­zolo carboidrati carboidrati ricchi di zuccheri carne carne rossa cellule cerebrali cereali cereali arricchiti cervello cervello del bebè cetriolo champignon cipollina cocktail colostro componenti chimiche essenziali consigli consiglio contenitori sterili contenitori usa e getta con­nessioni vitali corpo costi­ pazione crudo cucina dieta digestione dipendenza dai cibi zuccherati distur­bi allo stomaco dolci dolore al pancino donne dopo il parto dopo parto energia erba erbe estrogeni fagioli ferro fibre fiocchi di latte forchetta forma fisica formaggio fragole frigo frutta frutta secca fruttosio gamberetti germogli di soia ghiandola ghiandola mammaria glucosio gonfiore granchio grassi gravidanza grembo infezioni ingredienti insalata insalatiera intelligenza del bambino intelligenza superiore irritazioni ai capezzoli latte latte artificiale latte in polvere latte materno lattuga limone macedonia maionese mais mamme massaggio microonde nascita del bambino nutrienti nutrienti giusti organismo ormonale ortaggi ossigeno ostetrica pane integrale parto pasta pastiglie pediatra perdere peso pesce pesce persico pettine di agnello col pomodoro pollo ai ferri pomodori poppata poppate notturne posizione giusta posizioni per l'allattamento potenziale povero di grassi prima dei 12 mesi processo digestivo prolattina prosciutto prosciutto crudo proteine pulizia del biberon residui di latte ricetta ricetta pesce ricette ricette per bambini rifornimento giornaliero riso riso con verdure e pollo salute semi di cumino sindrome da colon irritabile spinaci lessi spremuta stan­chezza sterilizzare stitichezza stomaco stress sviluppo sviluppo del cervello terapie tettarelle tubo digesti­vo ulcere vacanza vacanze vapore verdura verdure vitamina C vitamine A yogurt magro zucchero integrale zucchine alla piastra