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lunedì 7 gennaio 2013

Interact With This Phone Samsung Galaxy S III 4G Android Phone, White 16GB (Verizon Wireless)

Samsung Galaxy S III 4G Android Phone, White 16GB (Verizon Wireless)
The Samsung Galaxy S III enables you to share smarter, interact more intelligently and experience great performance, all powered by Verizon 4G LTE.
The Samsung Galaxy S III features a 4.8-inch HD Super AMOLED display, packaged into a sleek, slim and lightweight design with an ergonomic grip, smooth lines and gentle curves. A 1.5 GHz dual-core processor and 2 GB of RAM allows seamless multitasking without delay.

Share Smarter

S Beam
One-touch sharing, or S Beam, allows you to share multimedia files like photos, videos and presentations between two Galaxy S III devices by simply touching the backs together to “Beam” content from one device to the other.

Share Shot
Share Shot allows you to establish a temporary photo sharing network with other Samsung Galaxy S III users who are nearby. Once your group is established over Wi-Fi Direct (multi-connect), photos taken by any member of the group will be shared instantly with everyone else in the photo sharing network.

AllShare Play
With the Samsung Galaxy S III, you can enjoy your media untethered. AllShare Play allows you to stream multimedia content to your compatible Samsung SmartTV or compatible home audio systems, tablets and laptops when connected to the same Wi-Fi Access Point.

The Verizon Samsung Galaxy S III is exclusively pre-loaded with the Color app, allowing users to broadcast up to 60 seconds of live video with full audio and photos to their Facebook friends instantly.

Interact More Intelligently

Motion Gestures
Motion gestures integrated with the Samsung Galaxy S III allow you to interact with your phone in new ways. Shake the device to refresh, turn it over to mute the ring during a meeting, or swipe to capture a screenshot. If you need to call someone you’re already texting, simply raise the phone to your head and the device will dial. Other gestures include quick access to the camera, quick rotate, quick pause, missed event alerts, and tap to the top of a list.

Smart Stay
No need to tap the screen every few seconds to keep it lit while you’re watching a video or reading a book - Smart Stay keeps the Samsung Galaxy S III’s display on as long as you’re looking at the screen. The device detects when you’re looking at the phone, maintaining a bright display so you can enjoy your content uninterrupted.

S Voice
S Voice is your personal assistant, responding to voice commands with accurate, helpful information pulled from the Wolfram Alpha database. Whether you want to make a call, play a particular song or find a place to eat, S Voice can help.

Experience Great Performance and Content

With an 8 MP rear camera, 1.9 MP front-facing camera and LED flash, the Samsung Galaxy S III records HD video and offers zero shutter lag so you can capture the action without delay. The Burst Shot function helps you take pictures like a professional, with the ability to instantly capture 20 continuous shots, while the Best Photo function takes eight pictures and chooses the best one for you.

Pop Up Play
Pop Up Play on the Samsung Galaxy S III lets you watch HD videos while you browse, e-mail or text. The picture-in-picture window works on any screen and even on third-party apps. Drag the window where you want it, and you won’t miss a moment of your movies or videos while multitasking.

Viewdini brings the power of Verizon Wireless’ 4G LTE network to the screen by streamlining access to videos from a wide range of content providers, including cable operators, websites and other popular video sources.

Vital Statistics

The Samsung Galaxy S III weighs 4.7 ounces and measures 5.4 x 2.8 x 0.3 inches. It comes with a 2100 mAh battery that offers up to 15 hours of usage time and up to 200 hours of standby time.

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C E Insalata di patate Spuntino abitudini alimentari acidi grassi acidi organici alimentazione alimentazione sana allattamento allattamento all seno allattamento artifi­ciale allattano il proprio bambino allat­tare ananas aneto anticellulite anticorpi anticorpi materni antipasti antipasto arance areola mammaria asparagi aspetto vitale bambino batteri bebè benessere biberon bikini bimbo biscotti broccoli bromocriptina bruciore caffè capez­zolo carboidrati carboidrati ricchi di zuccheri carne carne rossa cellule cerebrali cereali cereali arricchiti cervello cervello del bebè cetriolo champignon cipollina cocktail colostro componenti chimiche essenziali consigli consiglio contenitori sterili contenitori usa e getta con­nessioni vitali corpo costi­ pazione crudo cucina dieta digestione dipendenza dai cibi zuccherati distur­bi allo stomaco dolci dolore al pancino donne dopo il parto dopo parto energia erba erbe estrogeni fagioli ferro fibre fiocchi di latte forchetta forma fisica formaggio fragole frigo frutta frutta secca fruttosio gamberetti germogli di soia ghiandola ghiandola mammaria glucosio gonfiore granchio grassi gravidanza grembo infezioni ingredienti insalata insalatiera intelligenza del bambino intelligenza superiore irritazioni ai capezzoli latte latte artificiale latte in polvere latte materno lattuga limone macedonia maionese mais mamme massaggio microonde nascita del bambino nutrienti nutrienti giusti organismo ormonale ortaggi ossigeno ostetrica pane integrale parto pasta pastiglie pediatra perdere peso pesce pesce persico pettine di agnello col pomodoro pollo ai ferri pomodori poppata poppate notturne posizione giusta posizioni per l'allattamento potenziale povero di grassi prima dei 12 mesi processo digestivo prolattina prosciutto prosciutto crudo proteine pulizia del biberon residui di latte ricetta ricetta pesce ricette ricette per bambini rifornimento giornaliero riso riso con verdure e pollo salute semi di cumino sindrome da colon irritabile spinaci lessi spremuta stan­chezza sterilizzare stitichezza stomaco stress sviluppo sviluppo del cervello terapie tettarelle tubo digesti­vo ulcere vacanza vacanze vapore verdura verdure vitamina C vitamine A yogurt magro zucchero integrale zucchine alla piastra